Best Vitamins For Hair Loss
Hair loss can be an embarrassing and often frustrating situation to deal with, no matter what your age is. There are a number of different reasons why you may be experiencing hair loss. It could be due to stress, the normal ageing process or even a type of medication you’re taking. But, if you’re experiencing hair loss from a lack of vitamins and nutrients, the good news is you can reverse this loss by ensuring you get the right vitamins each day.
One of the easiest and best ways to make sure you get a variety of nutrients and vitamins each day is by eating the correct diet. By making sure you’re eating a variety of foods that are fresh and nutrient-dense, you’ll be able to get the supplements you need to help improve your hair growth. But, if you’re not getting enough of certain nutrients through your diet, supplementing your intake with a multivitamin may be a good option for you.
There are a variety of factors that contribute to hair loss and if you’re concerned about your health and your hair growth, it’s always important to check with your doctor before adding a supplement to your diet.
Vitamin A
One of the most important vitamins that all of your body cells need for growth is Vitamin A. This, of course, includes your hair, which is one of the fastest-growing tissues in the human body. Vitamin A can also help with your skin glands and a substance called sebum. To ensure that you get happy healthy hair, sebum moisturisers your scalp in order to improve your hair growth. It’s been found that people who have a diet that is deficient in vitamin A also suffer from health problems, which can include hair loss.
Some of the best foods that include vitamin A are sweet potatoes, kale, pumpkins, carrots and spinach. They all include a high level of beta carotene, which then turns into vitamin A. You can also find vitamin A in products such as yoghurt, milk and eggs.
Another great vitamin that is known to contribute to hair growth is a B vitamin called biotin. There have been some studies linking biotin deficiency with hair loss in people, however, it is rare to have a biotin deficiency because it is naturally occurring in a wide range of foods.
B-vitamins can help create red blood cells and these cells help carry oxygen and nutrients. This means they can carry nutrients and oxygen to your scalp and hair follicles to help improve hair growth. If you’re looking for B-vitamins from foods, you can look for whole grains, fish, dark leafy greens and almonds for your B vitamin intake needs.
If you are following a vegan or vegetarian diet, you may find that vitamin B12 sources are hard to come by. Therefore boosting your diet with a vegan-friendly multivitamin may be a good option for you.
Vitamin C
In order for your body to produce a protein known as collagen, your body will need vitamin C. Collagen is an important part of the hair structure. Vitamin C also helps to improve the absorbency of iron into your system, which is necessary for hair growth.
If you’re looking for food sources of vitamin C, your best aiming for citrus foods such as guavas, oranges, lemons, and limes. Strawberries and capsicums also have a good level of vitamin C in them.
If you’re thinking about improving your health and hair growth with a daily multivitamin, always be sure to have a chat with your doctor to see about your specific needs. Your doctor may suggest a blood test to have a look at your current vitamin levels. They may also want to assess whether your hair loss is from another health condition. If changing your diet or including a multivitamin doesn’t change your hair growth or improve your hair loss situation, have a chat with your doctor as soon as possible.